
Robert Shook

February 12, 1953 - August 27, 2008
Shelbyville, MI



Tuesday, September 2, 2008
11:00 AM to 1:00 PM EDT
Life Story Funeral Homes - Rupert, Durham, Marshall & Gren
Plainwell Location
120 South Woodhams Street
Plainwell, MI 49080
(269) 685-5881
Driving Directions


Tuesday, September 2, 2008
1:00 PM to 2:00 PM EDT
Life Story Funeral Homes - Rupert, Durham, Marshall & Gren
Plainwell Location
120 South Woodhams Street
Plainwell, MI 49080
(269) 685-5881
Driving Directions


At the family's request memorial contributions are to be made to those listed below. Please forward payment directly to the memorial of your choice.


Make any checks payable to : Floyd Shook or Raylene Bennigton


Below is the contact information for a florist recommended by the funeral home.

Heaven's Petals
130 N. Main St.
Plainwell, MI 49080
(269) 685-9460
Web Site

River Rose
(269) 692-3951

Life Story / Obituary


Bob Shook was a unique, fun-loving man. With a passion for fishing, cars, and racing, he was viewed as everybody's friend. A loving father, husband, and friend, Bob cherished those he loved, and truly enjoyed the life he lived.

The year 1953 was a tense time in American history. At the peak of the Cold War, with the hunt for communist spies at full swing, and both Russia and the United States welcoming new leaders into their capitols, the world was holding its breath. In the midst of all this tension, Glennie and Helen (Japhet) Shook, along with their two children Roger and Raylene, were preparing their home in Shelbyville, Michigan, for the birth of a new baby. On February 12, 1953, a mere 144 years after the birthday of Abraham Lincoln, Robert E. Shook was welcomed into the world.

Bob lived a happy childhood, even with his older siblings' frequent reminders that he was the baby of the family. Bob's parents worked hard to support the family, his father working as a farmer and also at the paper mill, and his mother working at Michigan cottage cheese. As a youngster, Bob developed an intense love for cars, motorcycles, and fishing, a love which he remained faithful to his entire life. He also had a great skill for dancing, and prided himself in his ability to do the Pee Wee Herman dance to perfection. He and his cousin, Floyd Shook, were known as partners in crime their entire lives.

As a teenager, Bob attended Martin High School. However, he later earned his GED through Rudyard while in the Air Force. Bob proudly served America in the Air Force for four years, where he was an aircraft mechanic on B-52's. After his service, he became a truck driver. Bob loved to drive trucks, and enjoyed his job immensely. He drove for Yoplait yogurt and Dimond Machinery in Hastings, Michigan. Though he at one time was a long distance driver, he most recently drove locally.

Bob was unique and fun loving, and cherished his family and friends. Through his first two marriages, which sadly ended in divorce, Bob was blessed with three children, Mike, Marc, and Allison. Bob later met a woman named Marian Vaughan, a mother of three. The two hit it off, but decided to take it slow. After dating for five years and three months, Bob and Marian decided to tie the knot. They were married in West Palm Beach, Florida, on June 6, 1989.

Throughout his life, Bob maintained a passion for racing, one which had been born young. When he was around 13 years old, he and Bob Holley raced on the Martin Speedway drag strip on their bicycles, speeding down the quarter mile track before it opened. Later in life, Bob could be seen racing down the Kalamazoo Speedway in his own car, which he loved to drive. He loved his race car, but everyone knew that Bob's true passion was drag racing, though he contented himself with watching this race rather than driving in it.

Bob also had a passion for food. Some would even say that restaurants were his favorite places on earth. He had a special love for Chinese food, though food in general held a place in his heart.

Bob was a man with a heart built for loving. He was passionate about the activities he took part in, the friends he had, and the life he lived. He found joy in the little things, like listening to Bob Seger or Lynyrd Skynyrd or wearing Harley Davidson T-Shirts, but still found time to cherish the big things, like family and friends. Bob filled the lives of those he knew with joy, and will be greatly missed.

Bob died on August 27, 2008. He was preceded in death by his parents, Glennie and Helen (Japhet) Shook, and his brother, Roger Shook. Bob is survived by his wife, Marian Shook, his children, Mike & Eden Shook of Allegan, Marc & Stephanie Shook of Otsego, and Allison Shook of Otsego; his stepchildren, Daniel Hartman of Maryland, Ronnie Hutson of Maryland, and William & Shannon Hutson of Florida; 13 grand children, and one great grandchild on the way, his sister, Raylene & Steve Bennington of Martin, nieces Kelly Sanders and Amy Bennington, his cousin Floyd Shook, a grandniece, Samantha Sanders; uncle Edwin & Rosemary Shook; aunt Evelyn Japhet, and several cousins

Learn more about Bob, view his Life Story film, and visit with his family and friends Tuesday from 11 AM until the time of the service at the Life Story Funeral Home, Plainwell Chapel, 120 S. Woodhams. Funeral services will be held at 1 PM Tuesday at the same location.

Please visit Bob’s memory page at www.lifestorynet.com, where you can archive a favorite memory or photo and sign his memory book online before coming to the funeral home or make a memorial donation to the family.
