Life Story Funeral Homes®
The exclusive providers of the Life Story Experience


Life Story Funeral Homes®
The exclusive providers of the Life Story Experience

Kendra Ross

January 24, 2008
Alto, MI




Kendra Ross, aged 19, of Alto, has begun her new life in heaven, a life that we will enjoy together with her in the presence of our Lord. We are grateful for the hope that we have as Christians that to be absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord. She was preceded in death by her Grandpa Duwart "Glenn" Ross. She is survived by her parents, Dennis and Carolyn Ross; brothers, Tim and Tyler Ross; grandparents, Lewis and Sarah "Ruth" Cowan, Betty Ross; uncles and aunts, Glen and Jean Olson, Fred Cowan, Jim and Gail Sharrard, Roger and Lisa Cowan, Glenn E. Ross, Mike and Rhonda Ross, Kim Holmquist; cousins, Christopher Olson, Chad and Kim Olson, Clayton and Collette Olson, Carie and Julian Altvater, Jimmy Sharrard, Jenny Sharrard, Victoria, David, Anna, Elizabeth, Rebeccah, Daniel Cowan, Michelle and Rich Gregory, Susan Ross, Stacie Ross, Ryne Holmquist, Britain Holmquist; and the love of her life, Phil Miedema whom she planned to marry and spend her life with. Funeral Services for Kendra will be held Monday at 11:00 a.m. at the First Baptist Church of Middleville, 5215 N. M-37 Highway with Rev. Bill Dobson, Rev. Karl Bashlor, Rev. Neal Stockeland, and Rev. Larry VanGundy officiating. Members of the family will receive relatives and friends at the Matthysse-Kuiper-DeGraaf Funeral Home (Kentwood), 4646 Kalamazoo SE Saturday 6 to 9 p.m. and Sunday 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. The family requests memorial contributions be made to Cornerstone University Track Program or to the Tyler Ross "Independence" Fund. Condolences may be sent online at Matthysse Kuiper DeGraaf